2.6.3. CLI: Visual StudioΒΆ

To build the Visual Studio solution from the command line, MSBuild.exe can be used. You must add the MSBuild.exe location to your PATH or open Visual Studio Developer Prompt instead of cmd.exe (run where msbuild to check) and run msbuild _builds\foo.sln

But CMake offers a cross-tool way to do exactly the same: cmake --build _builds (no need to have MSBuild.exe in your PATH).

[cgold-example]> cmake --build _builds


Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:01.54

By default the Debug variant of foo.exe will be built, you can run it by:

[cgold-example]> .\_builds\Debug\foo.exe
Hello from CGold!
