3.6.1. Regular variables Regular vs cache

Unlike cache variables regular (normal) CMake variables have scope and don’t outlive CMake runs.

If in the next example you run the CMake configure step twice, without removing the cache:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

message("Regular variable (before): ${abc}")
message("Cache variable (before): ${xyz}")

set(abc "123")
set(xyz "321" CACHE STRING "")

message("Regular variable (after): ${abc}")
message("Cache variable (after): ${xyz}")
[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds

[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hcache-vs-regular -B_builds
Regular variable (before):
Cache variable (before):
Regular variable (after): 123
Cache variable (after): 321
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hcache-vs-regular -B_builds
Regular variable (before):
Cache variable (before): 321
Regular variable (after): 123
Cache variable (after): 321
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

You can see that the regular CMake variable abc is created from scratch each time

[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds

[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hcache-vs-regular -B_builds
Regular variable (before):
Cache variable (before):
Regular variable (after): 123
Cache variable (after): 321
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hcache-vs-regular -B_builds
Regular variable (before):
Cache variable (before): 321
Regular variable (after): 123
Cache variable (after): 321
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

And the cache variable xyz is created only once and reused on second run

[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds

[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hcache-vs-regular -B_builds
Regular variable (before):
Cache variable (before):
Regular variable (after): 123
Cache variable (after): 321
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hcache-vs-regular -B_builds
Regular variable (before):
Cache variable (before): 321
Regular variable (after): 123
Cache variable (after): 321
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

You can find cache variable xyz in CMakeCache.txt:

[usage-of-variables]> grep xyz _builds/CMakeCache.txt

Unlike regular abc:

[usage-of-variables]> grep abc _builds/CMakeCache.txt
[usage-of-variables]> echo $?
1 Scope of variable

Each variable is linked to the scope where it was defined. Commands add_subdirectory and function introduce their own scopes:

# Top level CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

set(abc "123")

message("Top level scope (before): ${abc}")


message("Top level scope (after): ${abc}")
# CMakeLists.txt from 'boo' directory

set(abc "456")

message("Directory 'boo' scope: ${abc}")

There are two variables abc defined. One in top level scope and another in scope of boo directory:

[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hdirectory-scope -B_builds
Top level scope (before): 123
Directory 'boo' scope: 456
Top level scope (after): 123
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds New scope

When a new scope is created it will be initialized with the variables of the parent scope. Command unset can remove a variable from the current scope. If a variable is not found in the current scope it will be dereferenced to an empty string:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

  message("[foo]: Scope for function 'foo' copied from parent 'boo': { abc = '${abc}', xyz = '${xyz}' }")
  message("[foo]: Command 'unset(abc)' will remove variable from current scope: { abc = '${abc}', xyz = '${xyz}' }")

  message("[boo]: Scope for function 'boo' copied from parent: { abc = '${abc}', xyz = '${xyz}' }")
  set(abc "789")
  message("[boo]: Command 'set(abc ...)' modify current scope, state: { abc = '${abc}', xyz = '${xyz}' }")

set(abc "123")
set(xyz "456")

message("Top level scope state: { abc = '${abc}', xyz = '${xyz}' }")

[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Htake-from-parent-scope -B_builds
Top level scope state: { abc = '123', xyz = '456' }
[boo]: Scope for function 'boo' copied from parent: { abc = '123', xyz = '456' }
[boo]: Command 'set(abc ...)' modify current scope, state: { abc = '789', xyz = '456' }
[foo]: Scope for function 'foo' copied from parent 'boo': { abc = '789', xyz = '456' }
[foo]: Command 'unset(abc)' will remove variable from current scope: { abc = '', xyz = '456' }
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds Same scope

include and macro don’t introduce a new scope, so commands like set and unset will affect the current scope:

# Top level CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

set(abc "123")

message("abc (before): ${abc}")
message("abc (after): ${abc}")

  set(xyz "789")

set(xyz "336")

message("xyz (before): ${xyz}")
message("xyz (after): ${xyz}")
# modify-abc.cmake module

set(abc "456")
[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hsame-scope -B_builds
abc (before): 123
abc (after): 456
xyz (before): 336
xyz (after): 789
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds Parent scope

A variable can be set to the parent scope by specifying PARENT_SCOPE:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

set(abc "") # clear

  message("Scope 2 (before): '${abc}'")
  set(abc "786" PARENT_SCOPE)
  message("Scope 2 (after): '${abc}'")

  message("Scope 1 (before): '${abc}'")
  message("Scope 1 (after): '${abc}'")

message("Top level (before): '${abc}'")
message("Top level (after): '${abc}'")

Variable will only be set to parent scope:

[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hparent-scope -B_builds
Top level (before): ''
Scope 1 (before): ''
Scope 2 (before): ''
Scope 2 (after): ''
Scope 1 (after): '786'
Top level (after): ''
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

Current scope will not be affected:

[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hparent-scope -B_builds
Top level (before): ''
Scope 1 (before): ''
Scope 2 (before): ''
Scope 2 (after): ''
Scope 1 (after): '786'
Top level (after): ''
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

As well as parent of the parent:

[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hparent-scope -B_builds
Top level (before): ''
Scope 1 (before): ''
Scope 2 (before): ''
Scope 2 (after): ''
Scope 1 (after): '786'
Top level (after): ''
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds From cache

If variable is not found in the current scope, it will be taken from the cache:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

set(a "789" CACHE STRING "")
set(a "123")

message("Regular variable from current scope: ${a}")


message("Cache variable if regular not found: ${a}")
[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hfrom-cache -B_builds
Regular variable from current scope: 123
Cache variable if regular not found: 789
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds Cache unset regular

Note that the order of commands is important because set(... CACHE ...) will remove the regular variable with the same name from current scope:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

set(a "123")
set(a "789" CACHE STRING "")

message("Regular variable unset, take from cache: ${a}")
[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hcache-remove-regular -B_builds
Regular variable unset, take from cache: 789
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds Confusing

This may lead to a quite confusing behavior:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

  message("Function scope before cache modify = ${abc}")
  set(abc "789" CACHE STRING "")
  message("Function scope after cache modify = ${abc}")

set(abc "123")


message("Parent scope is not affected, take variable from current scope, not cache = ${abc}")

In this example set(... CACHE ...) will remove abc only from scope of function and not from top level scope:

[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hcache-confuse -B_builds
Function scope before cache modify = 123
Function scope after cache modify = 789
Parent scope is not affected, take variable from current scope, not cache = 123
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

This will be even more confusing if you run this example one more time without removing cache:

[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hcache-confuse -B_builds
Function scope before cache modify = 123
Function scope after cache modify = 123
Parent scope is not affected, take variable from current scope, not cache = 123
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

Since variable abc already stored in cache command set(... CACHE ...) has no effect and will not remove regular abc from scope of function. Names

Variable names are case-sensitive:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

set(a "123")
set(b "567")
set(aBc "333")

set(A "321")
set(B "765")
set(ABc "777")

message("a: ${a}")
message("b: ${b}")
message("aBc: ${aBc}")

message("A: ${A}")
message("B: ${B}")
message("ABc: ${ABc}")
[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hcase-sensitive -B_builds
a: 123
b: 567
aBc: 333
A: 321
B: 765
ABc: 777
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

Name of variable may consist of any characters:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

set("abc" "123")
set("ab c" "456")
set("ab?c" "789")
set("/usr/bin/bash" "987")
set("C:\\Program Files\\" "654")
set(" " "321")

function(print_name varname)
  message("Variable name: '${varname}', value: '${${varname}}'")

print_name("ab c")
print_name("C:\\Program Files\\")
print_name(" ")
[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hany-names -B_builds
Variable name: 'abc', value: '123'
Variable name: 'ab c', value: '456'
Variable name: 'ab?c', value: '789'
Variable name: '/usr/bin/bash', value: '987'
Variable name: 'C:\Program Files\', value: '654'
Variable name: ' ', value: '321'
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds Quotes

In the previous example, the quote character " was used to create a name containing a space - this is called quoted argument. Note that the argument must start and end with a quote character, otherwise it becomes an unquoted argument. In this case, the quote character will be treated as part of the string:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

set(a "Quoted argument")
set(b x-"Unquoted argument")
set(c x"a;b;c")

message("a = '${a}'")
message("b = '${b}'")

message("c =")
foreach(x ${c})
  message("  '${x}'")
[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hquotes -B_builds
a = 'Quoted argument'
b = 'x-"Unquoted argument"'
c =
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

As you can see the variable b contains quotes now and for list c quotes are part of the elements: x"a, c".

CMake documentation Dereferencing

Dereferenced variable can be used in creation of new variable:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

set(a "xyz")

set(b "${a}_321")
set(${a}_1 "456")
set(variable_${a} "${a} + ${b} + 155")

message("b: '${b}'")
message("xyz_1: '${xyz_1}'")
message("variable_xyz: '${variable_xyz}'")
[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hdereference -B_builds
b: 'xyz_321'
xyz_1: '456'
variable_xyz: 'xyz + xyz_321 + 155'
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

Or new variable name:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

set(a "xyz")

set(b "${a}_321")
set(${a}_1 "456")
set(variable_${a} "${a} + ${b} + 155")

message("b: '${b}'")
message("xyz_1: '${xyz_1}'")
message("variable_xyz: '${variable_xyz}'")
[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hdereference -B_builds
b: 'xyz_321'
xyz_1: '456'
variable_xyz: 'xyz + xyz_321 + 155'
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

Or even both:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

set(a "xyz")

set(b "${a}_321")
set(${a}_1 "456")
set(variable_${a} "${a} + ${b} + 155")

message("b: '${b}'")
message("xyz_1: '${xyz_1}'")
message("variable_xyz: '${variable_xyz}'")
[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hdereference -B_builds
b: 'xyz_321'
xyz_1: '456'
variable_xyz: 'xyz + xyz_321 + 155'
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds Nested dereferencing

Dereferencing of variable by ${...} will happen as many times as needed:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

foreach(lang C CXX)
  message("Compiler for language ${lang}: ${CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER}")
    message("Flags for language ${lang} + build type ${build_type}: ${CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_${build_type}}")
[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hnested-dereference -B_builds
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.4
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.4
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
Compiler for language C: /usr/bin/cc
Flags for language C + build type DEBUG: -g
Flags for language C + build type RELEASE: -O3 -DNDEBUG
Flags for language C + build type RELWITHDEBINFO: -O2 -g -DNDEBUG
Flags for language C + build type MINSIZEREL: -Os -DNDEBUG
Compiler for language CXX: /usr/bin/c++
Flags for language CXX + build type DEBUG: -g
Flags for language CXX + build type RELEASE: -O3 -DNDEBUG
Flags for language CXX + build type RELWITHDEBINFO: -O2 -g -DNDEBUG
Flags for language CXX + build type MINSIZEREL: -Os -DNDEBUG
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds Types of variable

Variables always have type string but some commands can interpret them differently. For example the command if can treat strings as boolean, path, target name, etc.:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

set(condition_a "TRUE")
set(condition_b "NO")

set(path_to_this "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt")

set(target_name foo)
add_library("${target_name}" foo.cpp)

  message("NOT condition_a")

  message("NOT condition_b")

if(EXISTS "${path_to_this}")
  message("File exists: ${path_to_this}")
  message("File not exist: ${path_to_this}")

if(TARGET "${target_name}")
  message("Target exists: ${target_name}")
  message("Target not exist: ${target_name}")
[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Htypes-of-variable -B_builds
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.4
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.4
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
NOT condition_b
File exists: /.../usage-of-variables/types-of-variable/CMakeLists.txt
Target exists: foo
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

CMake documentation Create list

Some commands can treat a variable as list. In this case the string value is split into elements separated by ;. The command set can create such lists:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

set(l0 a b c)
set(l1 a;b;c)
set(l2 "a b" "c")
set(l3 "a;b;c")
set(l4 a "b;c")

message("l0 = 'a' + 'b' + 'c' = '${l0}'")
message("l1 = 'a;b;c' = '${l1}'")
message("l2 = 'a b' + 'c' = '${l2}'")
message("l3 = \"'a;b;c'\" = '${l3}'")
message("l4 = 'a' + 'b;c' = '${l4}'")

message("print by message: " ${l3})
message("print by message: " "a" "b" "c")

set creates string from elements and puts the ; between them:

[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hlist -B_builds
l0 = 'a' + 'b' + 'c' = 'a;b;c'
l1 = 'a;b;c' = 'a;b;c'
l2 = 'a b' + 'c' = 'a b;c'
l3 = "'a;b;c'" = 'a;b;c'
l4 = 'a' + 'b;c' = 'a;b;c'
print by message: abc
print by message: abc
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

In case you want to add an element with space you can protect the element with ":

[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hlist -B_builds
l0 = 'a' + 'b' + 'c' = 'a;b;c'
l1 = 'a;b;c' = 'a;b;c'
l2 = 'a b' + 'c' = 'a b;c'
l3 = "'a;b;c'" = 'a;b;c'
l4 = 'a' + 'b;c' = 'a;b;c'
print by message: abc
print by message: abc
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

As seen with l4 variable protecting ; with " doesn’t have any effect:

[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hlist -B_builds
l0 = 'a' + 'b' + 'c' = 'a;b;c'
l1 = 'a;b;c' = 'a;b;c'
l2 = 'a b' + 'c' = 'a b;c'
l3 = "'a;b;c'" = 'a;b;c'
l4 = 'a' + 'b;c' = 'a;b;c'
print by message: abc
print by message: abc
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

We are concatenating string a with string b;c and putting ; between them. Final result is the string a;b;c. When a command interprets this string as list, such list has 3 elements. Hence it’s not a list with two elements a and b;c.

The command message interprets l3 as list with 3 elements, so in the end 4 arguments (value of type string) passed as input: print by message:_, a, b, c. Command message will concatenate them without any separator, hence string print by message: abc will be printed:

[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hlist -B_builds
l0 = 'a' + 'b' + 'c' = 'a;b;c'
l1 = 'a;b;c' = 'a;b;c'
l2 = 'a b' + 'c' = 'a b;c'
l3 = "'a;b;c'" = 'a;b;c'
l4 = 'a' + 'b;c' = 'a;b;c'
print by message: abc
print by message: abc
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

CMake documentation Operations with list

The list command can be used to calculate length of list, get element by index, remove elements by index, etc.:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

set(l0 "a;b;c")
set(l1 "a" "b;c")
set(l2 "a" "b c")

list(LENGTH l0 l0_len)
list(LENGTH l1 l1_len)
list(LENGTH l2 l2_len)

message("length of '${l0}' (l0) = ${l0_len}")
message("length of '${l1}' (l1) = ${l1_len}")
message("length of '${l2}' (l2) = ${l2_len}")

list(GET l1 2 l1_2)
message("l1[2] = ${l1_2}")

message("Removing first item from l1 list: '${l1}'")
list(REMOVE_AT l1 0)
message("l1 = '${l1}'")
[usage-of-variables]> rm -rf _builds
[usage-of-variables]> cmake -Hlist-operations -B_builds
length of 'a;b;c' (l0) = 3
length of 'a;b;c' (l1) = 3
length of 'a;b c' (l2) = 2
l1[2] = c
Removing first item from l1 list: 'a;b;c'
l1 = 'b;c'
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../usage-of-variables/_builds

CMake documentation List with one empty element

Since list is really just a string there is no such object as “list with one empty element”. Empty string is a list with no elements - length is 0. String ; is a list with two empty elements - length is 2.

Historically result of appending empty element to an empty list is an empty list:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(foo NONE)

function(add_element list_name element_name)
  message("Add '${${element_name}}' to list '${${list_name}}'")
  list(APPEND "${list_name}" "${${element_name}}")
  list(LENGTH "${list_name}" list_len)
  message("Result: '${${list_name}}' (length = ${list_len})\n")
  set("${list_name}" "${${list_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE)

message("\nAdding non-empty element to non-empty list.\n")
set(mylist "a;b")
set(element "c")
foreach(i RANGE 3)
  add_element(mylist element)

message("\nAdding empty element to non-empty list.\n")
set(mylist "a;b")
set(element "")
foreach(i RANGE 3)
  add_element(mylist element)

message("\nAdding empty element to empty list.\n")
set(mylist "")
set(element "")
foreach(i RANGE 3)
  add_element(mylist element)
[examples]> rm -rf _builds
[examples]> cmake -Husage-of-variables/empty-list -B_builds

Adding non-empty element to non-empty list.

Add 'c' to list 'a;b'
Result: 'a;b;c' (length = 3)

Add 'c' to list 'a;b;c'
Result: 'a;b;c;c' (length = 4)

Add 'c' to list 'a;b;c;c'
Result: 'a;b;c;c;c' (length = 5)

Add 'c' to list 'a;b;c;c;c'
Result: 'a;b;c;c;c;c' (length = 6)

Adding empty element to non-empty list.

Add '' to list 'a;b'
Result: 'a;b;' (length = 3)

Add '' to list 'a;b;'
Result: 'a;b;;' (length = 4)

Add '' to list 'a;b;;'
Result: 'a;b;;;' (length = 5)

Add '' to list 'a;b;;;'
Result: 'a;b;;;;' (length = 6)

Adding empty element to empty list.

Add '' to list ''
Result: '' (length = 0)

Add '' to list ''
Result: '' (length = 0)

Add '' to list ''
Result: '' (length = 0)

Add '' to list ''
Result: '' (length = 0)

-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../examples/_builds Recommendation

Use short laconic lower-case names (a, i, mylist, objects, etc.) for local variables that used only by the current scope. Use long detailed upper-case names (FOO_FEATURE, BOO_ENABLE_SOMETHING, etc.) for variables that used by several scopes.

For example it make no sense to use long names in function since function has it’s own scope:

  # ...

Using just a will be fine:

  set(a 1)
  # ...

Same with scope of CMakeLists.txt:

# Foo/CMakeLists.txt

foreach(FOO_FILES_ITERATOR ${files})
  message("  ${FOO_FILES_ITERATOR}")

Prefer instead:

# Foo/CMakeLists.txt

foreach(x ${files})
  message("  ${x}")

See also

Compare it with C++ code:

// pretty bad idea
#define a

// good one
// does it make sense?
for (int array_iterator = 0; array_iterator < array.size(); ++array_iterator) {
  // use 'array_iterator'

// good one
for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); ++i) {
  // use 'i'
} Summary

  • All variables have a string type

  • List is nothing but string, elements of list separated by ;

  • The way how variables are interpreted depends on the command

  • Do not give same names for cache and regular variables

  • add_subdirectory and function create new scope

  • include and macro work in the current scope